Mental Health within the Gypsy & Traveller Community

A recent project with Thrive by Design looks at creatively engaging the Gypsy and Traveller community in conversations around perinatal mental health with the view of improving access to services. We took a gentle, considered approach to allow relationship building and establish trust within the community. A non-judgemental, human approach was needed that positioned the community as experts in their own lives.

Community members suggested making family boxes, Christmas decorations and flower arranging. Chatting and listening to the young mums whilst being creative enabled meaningful conversations about pregnancy, children, loss, honour and respect. We gained a deep understanding as to the current state of access to services and co-created recommendations and ideas for services going forward.

I co-wrote a blog post for Thrive by Design and so if you’d like to learn more about this piece of work please visit the Thrive by Design blog.


The Doncaster Connection


A studio in the community